2022-23 Seniors
Match Results | Player Statistics | Awards Winners | Photo Galleries
Season Overview
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Match Results
Player Statistics
Awards Winners
First XI:
Batting Ave: Rob Cranmer
Bowling Ave: Paul Bremner
MVP: Rob Cranmer
Best Fielder: Tierney Reid
Second XI:
Batting Ave: Craig Noske
Bowling Ave: Mike Piper
MVP: Braeden Gordon
Best Fielder: Braeden Gordon
Third XI:
Batting Ave: Steve Darmody
Bowling Ave: Lachlan Smith
MVP: Kyle MacCartney
Best Fielder: Riley McDowell
Fourth XI:
Batting Ave: Bill Brown
Bowling Ave: Darcy Webb
MVP: Marcus O’Dwyer
Fifth XI:
Batting Ave: Neil Pitt
Bowling Ave: N/A
MVP: Will Elford
Club Champion: Ethan Weston
T20 Best Player: Ethan Weston
Most Improved: Sam Noske
Lion Awards: Will Trease and Pat Danaher
Best Junior in Seniors: Ashton Smith