Presentation Evening 2021-22


Come and join us for a fun evening of lawn bowls, dinner and awards as we celebrate the 2021-22 season at our annual presentation evening which will be held at the Heathmont Bowls Club (9 The Greenway, Heathmont) from 4pm on the 15th of May, 2022

If you have queries not addressed here, please contact us via


The details

The event includes three separate awards sections, refreshments and time to have a go on the lawn bowls pitch from 4pm. The rough outline of proceedings is as follows:

  • 4:00pm: Social Bowls (available until 5:30pm)

  • 5:00pm: Welcome and Season Overview

  • 5:15pm: Awards #1 — Under 12.8, Under 14.4, Under 16.B and Milestones

  • 6:15pm: Awards #2 — Under 16.3, Under 12.6 and General Awards (Senior and Junior)

  • 7:15pm: Awards #3 — Senior Team Awards (1st XI, 2nd XI, 3rd XI, 4th XI, 5th XI)

Social bowls will be available from 4pm through until 5:30pm so please get along early and catch-up with fellow Lions in a relaxed atmosphere.

Food and Drinks

Light refreshments will be available throughout the event, consisting of sandwiches, sushi, pizza and cake. There is not a formal dinner as such but rather bits and pieces to keep you going.

  • Drinks available at bar prices from the Heathmont Bowls Club bar

Costs and Bookings

This is a ticketed event with costs being subsidised by the club. Please book your place via the “Presentation Evening 2021-22” image/link on this page

  • Ticket price is $5 for individuals and $10 for families


Book now

Booking and payments (where applicable) for presentation evening is via the product tile below:

All attendees are required to purchase tickets prior to the evnt


Heathwood Cricket Club gratefully acknowledges our premier partners and major partners for 2021-22